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Rights and Freedoms

'Reflections on women’s rights – past, present and future’

This presentation draws together reflections on women’s rights from the campaigns by the suffragists and suffragettes of the late 19th century and a consideration on how far we have come in realisation of women’s rights.

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Housing and human rights - rights where it matters

Sandy Duncanson Memorial Lecture Housing and human rights – rights where it matters Hobart, 11 October 2022 Abstract Homelessness can happen to anyone. People with disability are at an increased risk and they are joined by a growing invisible cohort of older women. COVID-19 was a trigger for state...

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Reflections on women and human rights

Thank you to the Lyceum Club for inviting me to speak, and to Christine Yeats and Judith White for your warm introduction. I recall that for my late mother, Dr Amy McGrath OAM, the revival of the Sydney Lyceum Club was very special. In sorting through papers of my parents, following the passing of...

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Address to the 2022 Friendship and Dialogue Iftar Dinner

Affinity Intercultural Foundation, NSW Parliament House 13th Friendship and Dialogue Iftar Dinner Wednesday 13 April 2022 Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM As-salamu alaykum: may peace be upon you. Acknowledgements Our Parliamentary hosts, distinguished guests, of whom there are indeed many...

Category, Speech
Age Discrimination

Safety and Security for Older Women

National Summit on Women’s Safety Safety and Security for Older Women Dr Kay Patterson Age Discrimination Commissioner Via Video Conference Tuesday 7 September 2021 Introduction I would like to thank Senator the Hon Marise Payne and Senator the Hon Anne Ruston for inviting me to speak at this...

Category, Speech
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Return to country endangered by failure to invest

Covid-19 has triggered the most significant return to country by First Nations people since the homeland movement commenced in the 1960s. Thousands, like myself, returned to remote communities out of necessity. Facing the unknown, our family leaders who could made the courageous decision to gather...

Category, Opinion
Children's Rights

Towards a National Child Wellbeing Strategy

Speech by National Children's Commissioner Anne Hollonds to the Parliamentary Friends of Early Childhood Thanks for this opportunity to share some reflections on my vision for early childhood policy. I would first like to acknowledge the traditional owners – Ngunnawal and Ngambri people – and pay my...

Category, Speech
Commission – General

September ebulletin

However, given the extraordinary circumstances of 2020 we believe a new and different approach is needed to celebrate the many human rights heroes who have emerged this year.

Category, E bulletin
Commission – General

August ebulletin

We have heard the words human rights quite a lot in recent weeks, in varied and sometimes inaccurate settings.  Measures to protect our health and safety must be balanced with our rights and freedoms, but if there was ever a time to articulate where that line is, it would be now. Which is why last...

Category, E bulletin


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