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September ebulletin

Commission – General

Celebrating human rights heroes in 2020

Every year the Commission holds the Human Rights Awards to celebrate human rights achievements. However, given the extraordinary circumstances of 2020 we believe a new and different approach is needed to celebrate the many human rights heroes who have emerged this year. 

View a short video from our Commissioners, and follow our social media pages as an exciting announcement will be made soon!

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Support our refreshed anti-racism campaign

Young man wearing a face mask in Melbourne

The #BlackLivesMatter protests and COVID-related racism have generated a renewed focus on racial equality, and we're inviting you to help seize the moment. We’ve updated the Racism. It Stops With Me website to include new resources for schools and businesses, and practical ways for people and organisations to oppose racism. Visit the website to find out how you can take action, or promote an anti-racism message within your networks.

Visit the website »


Boardrooms must get serious on sexual harassment

A women looking at camera

Progressing gender equality doesn’t stop during lockdown! Via web link, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins attended the Federal Government’s Women’s Job Creation Forum to discuss five action areas to boost female participation in the workforce. And amid a series of high-profile sexual harassment cases, Commissioner Jenkins highlighted the urgent need for company boards and employers to adopt the tools in her Respect@Work report to prevent and respond to sexual harassment.

Listen to her ABC interview »


Do you know how the Government uses Artificial Intelligence?

Robotic hand typing on a computer

New research commissioned for our Human Rights and Technology project revealed that 46% of people in Australia are not aware the government makes important decisions about them using artificial intelligence (AI). The research on attitudes towards AI, commissioned from Essential Research, also shows strong public demand for accountable and transparent use of AI, and for human rights protections. 

Please email us to request a copy of the research.

Find out more »

More from the Commission...

Supporting people with disability during the pandemic


girl wearing mask

Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett has released guidelines that will support the rights of people with disability during COVID by assisting support workers to take a human rights-based approach to decision-making.

View the guidelines »


Shining a light on the risk of homelessness for older women

homeless woman

As part of her mission to address the risk of homelessness faced by older women, Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson joined a panel to talk about the growing problem during National Homelessness Week.

View her presentation »


Combating modern slavery 

construction slavery

In partnership with KPMG Australia, the Commission has released the first of five industry-specific guides to help Australian businesses combat modern slavery and respond effectively to the Modern Slavery Act 2018. The first guide addresses the property and construction industry.

Download the guide »


Free training: Employing older workers

Older woman at training

The Commission has developed an online training course that aims to increase awareness of the benefits of employing older people and highlights practical ways to foster engagement and retention with older employees. The course is free, and available to eligible employers in NSW.

Email to find out more, or to enrol »

Recent media releases

Recent speeches 

Get involved

For the latest media releases, speeches and opinion pieces visit our media centre on the Commission's website at: and for events go to