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The Racial Hatred Act: Checklist for Media

There are no clear-cut or definitive rules about reporting in this area. Most news editors and senior journalists say they make relevance and sensitivity judgements on a case by case, story by story basis.

However, you may find the following checklist useful in coming to your own decisions:

  • Is race, ethnicity or religion relevant to the story?
  • Is the piece accurate and factual?
  • Is the opinion/editorial comment clearly delineated from fact?
  • Is there another side to the story and where possible have comments been sought from alternative sources?
  • What is the impact of highlighting conflict, violence or crime within a particular racial, ethnic or religious group?
  • Are the visuals or headlines relevant to and congruent with the story?
  • Have sensitivities and protocols been checked in the use of language generally and particularly in the naming of individuals, organisations or cultural practices?
  • Is the piece free of inflammatory language?

Further Reading