Having positive beliefs about ageing has been shown to be associated with better physical health, psychological wellbeing, increased longevity, and reduced dementia risk among older people.
Elder abuse can take various forms, including: financial, physical, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse, or neglect. No older person should be subjected to any form of abuse.
With support from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, the Commission has developed an online training package on Upholding the rights of older workers. Access to this online training package is free of charge.
The Free and Equal conference was the centrepiece of a national conversation and once-in-a-decade event. The conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Sydney on Tuesday 8 October 2019.
With many older women at risk of homelessness, the Age Discrimination Commissioner is working with sectors to develop innovative solutions to assist this rapidly growing group of women.
Working internationally to advance human rights Welcome Welcome to the first bi-annual newsletter for the Human Rights Technical Cooperation (HRTC) Programs. HRTC Highlights is a new initiative that will provide you with updates from our international human rights activities. This edition highlights...
Discrimination. Don't cop it! You don’t have to put up with being treated unfairly because you’re young. There are laws to protect you against discrimination, harassment and bullying. These laws apply right across Australia. If you have a complaint, the Australian Human Rights Commission can look...
The Australian Human Rights Commission has developed four short fact sheets to help Australian companies meet their responsibility to respect the human rights of those people impacted by their activities.
In 2007, the former Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tom Calma, had a vision to develop a human rights initiative based on the experiences of African Australians, to inform future policy and programs.