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Native Title Report 2007: Appendix 10

Native Title Report 2007

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Appendix 10



AGM: annual general meeting
AIATSIS: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Studies
ALRC: Australian Law Reform Commission
ASIC: Australian Securities and Investments Commission
CDEP: community development employment project
CERD: International Covenant on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination
CLC: Central Land Council
Darwin LNG: Darwin Liquid Natural Gas
DRIP: Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
FaCSIA: Department of Families, Community Services and

Indigenous Affairs (pre 2007 election)
FaHCSIA: Department of Families, Housing, Community

Services and Indigenous Affairs (post 2007

GLC: Goldfields Land and Sea Council
ICC: Indigenous Coordination Centres
ICCPR: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICESCR: International Covenant on Economic, Social and

Cultural Rights
ILC: Indigenous land corporation
ILUA: Indigenous land use agreement
JPC: Joint Parliamentary Committee
KLC: Kimberley Land Council
NLC: Northern Land Council
NNTC: National Native Title Council
NNTT: National Native Title Tribunal
NQLC: North Queensland Land Council
NTRB: Native title representative body
NTSDA: Native title service delivery agency (sometimes

abbreviated NTS)
NTSP: Native title service provider
OIPC: Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination
ORATSIC: Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Corporations
PBC: prescribed body corporate (under the Native Title
Act 1993)
RNTBC: registered native title body corporate (under the
Native Title Act 1993)
RPA: Regional Partnership Agreement
SGM: special general meeting
SRA: shared responsibility agreement
WALFA: West Arnhem Land Fire Management
WDCB: Western Desert Cultural Bloc


ALRA: Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act

1976 (Cth)
ACA Act: Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 (Cth)
CATSI Act: Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
Act 2006 (Cth)
Corporations Act: Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
NTA: Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)
RDA: Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)