Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
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Submission to National Inquiry
into Children in Immigration Detention from the
Multicultural Disability Advocacy
Association of NSW
This submission to
the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission's Inquiry into Children
in Immigration Detention Centres is the result of the work and contributions
of many people.
Most of all we would
like to thank the individual refugees for sharing their experiences with
We also would like
to thank all the individuals from across many different agencies, sectors
and across communities who gave up time and contributed their knowledge
to this submission.
Over 25 people from
across Australia contributed to this submission and their knowledge of
the different areas either through personal experiences, through their
work as visitors to or workers in the centres, as lawyers for people in
the centres, as ethnic community workers once people live in the community,
as disability workers, etc. made this submission possible.
Whilst some people
were happy to be named as contributors to this submission, others were
not and others felt that they could not be named. Therefore we have decided
no individual and no individual agency would be identified as contributors.
MDAA would like to
thank everyone who contributed and we hope that this submission will assist
with getting children out of immigration detention centres.
Article 23 (1),
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Parties recognise that a mentally or physically disabled child should
enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote
self-reliance and facilitate the child's active participation in the community.
1. Principle Statement
state unequivocally that children and their families do not belong in
immigration detention centres and that all children and their families
need to be released immediately from those centres.
Article 23 (3),
Convention on the Rights of the Child
States Parties shall ensure that the institutions, services and facilities
responsible for the care or protection of children shall conform with
the standards established by competent authorities, particularly in the
areas of safety, health, in the number and suitability of their staff,
as well as competent supervision
Article 22 (1),
Convention on the Rights of the Child
States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that a child
who is seeking refugee status or who is considered a refugee in accordance
with applicable international or domestic law and procedures shall, whether
unaccompanied or accompanied by his or her parents or by any other person,
receive appropriate protection and humanitarian assistance in the enjoyment
of applicable rights set forth in the present Convention and in other
international human rights or humanitarian instruments to which the said
States are Parties
Whilst we believe
the detention centre environment is harmful for all children, we are particularly
concerned that children with disability and unaccompanied minors are especially
vulnerable in the detention environment.
2. Recommendations
2.1 Principle
We recommend that the principle stated above be applied to all children
with disability and their families in immigration detention centres.
In addition, based
on the issues outlined below, we put forward the following recommendations:
2.2 Establish
alternatives to detention
Considerable work has been done by a range of organisations and individuals
to develop viable, less expensive and more humane alternatives to the
current detention regime.
MDAA supports proposals, such as those put forward by the Refugee Council
of Australia, which include a short period of closed detention and then
open detention and/or community release.
2.3 Urgent changes
needed to make the current system better
In order to protect and maintain the rights of children with disability
in detention centres now, MDAA recommends the following immediate changes:
All children have an initial examination by independent experts (including
medical experts, psychologist, physiotherapist, speech therapist, and
other allied health professionals) with expertise in the various areas
of child health and development to detect possible congenital and acquired
disabilities. All these examinations need to be accompanied by a qualified
interpreter who is not only trained in health interpretation, but has
also undertaken training in the area of disability.
In order to ensure access to the above mentioned specialists and to
ensure the assessments are of high quality all children and their families
need to be detained in metropolitan immigration detention centres.
Once a child has been identified as having a disability, that child
and their family are moved to a detention centre located in one of the
capital cities to facilitate access to specialist services and expertise
and ensure that the quality of assessment of the child's needs is not
compromised. Access to those services can be provided either in the
detention centre or, if more appropriate for the child's best interests,
in facilities in the community.
The parents are involved in all aspects of the child's' 'treatment'.
All detention centre facilities are made accessible for people with
disability, consistent with
State standards and the provisions of the Disability Discrimination
Act 1992.
All detention centre education is provided in a manner accessible to
children with disability,
by qualified education professionals with training in special education.
Good dental care is provided to children with disability in detention.
All detention centre staff undergo training in disability issues.
All instruments of restraint (including the use of 'observation rooms')
as outlined in the Immigration Detention Standards 7.10, be prohibited
in relation to children.
Incidences which for adults would involve the use of observation rooms,
will trigger a review as outlined in 2.3.1
2.4 Independent
monitoring, review and establishment of an independent guardian
The Minister for Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
is the guardian of all unaccompanied minors in detention centres. MDAA
believes this creates a conflict of interest for a Minister responsible
for both administering the Government's immigration detention policies
and promoting the best interests of children detained under those policies.
Similarly, DIMIA
is responsible for appointing a contractor (ACM) and monitoring the detention
services the contractor provides. There is an inherent conflict of interest
in these two roles: DIMIA has a vested interest in ACM being seen to perform
the contract well and this may adversely affect the way it monitors that
The following recommendations
introduce measurable standards that DIMIA would be obliged to monitor
to ensure ACM's compliance with them. These measurable standards would
increase ACM's accountability. To reduce these conflicts and as DIMIA
and ACM do not have the specialist training or expertise needed to deliver
services to children with disability, MDAA recommends:
The responsibility and guardianship over children is transferred from
the Minister for
Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs to the Minister for
Children and Youth
Affairs, who has responsibilities under the Family and Community Services
Regular monitoring and review of children in detention centres is undertaken
by independent experts (including medical experts, psychologist, physiotherapist,
speech therapist, and other allied health professionals) with expertise
in the various areas of child health and development. All these examinations
need to be accompanied by a qualified interpreter who is not only trained
in health interpretation, but has also undertaken training in the area
of disability.
Once a child with a disability has been identified, an independent,
external case manager is appointed (i.e. through the appropriate State/Territory
authorities). The case manager should work with the detention centre
contractor's health and education staff to monitor implementation of
any programs recommended.
Once a child with a disability has been identified, the child has access
to an 'external guardian' or advocate who liases with the family and
whose main role is to ensure that the best services and options are
available to the child. (This is not to replace the parents as the guardians,
but to ensure that the relative powerlessness of the parents is not
reflected in bad services and loss of opportunities for the child.)
The Refugee Council of Australia in their submission on unaccompanied
minors has put forward a model which could be modified to be also used
in relation to children with disabilities.
2.5 Transparent
complaints processes
Given that the current complaints mechanism as outlined in Immigration
Detention Standard 7.11 is inadequate, we recommend:
2.5.1 All
children with disability in detention centres and their families have
access to effective complaints mechanisms. These complaints mechanisms
could be those used by the relevant State/Territory agencies in relation
to all people with disability, and more general complaints mechanisms
available to all people accessing services provided by that State/Territory.
2.5.2 Information
about complaints processes is available in all languages read at a Detention
Centre at any point in time.
2.6 Temporary
Protection Visa (TPV) holders
Because families with children with disability have no chance of
coming to Australia through the onshore program, we recommend:
Families with children with disability, once successful in their application
for refugee status, are given a Permanent Protection Visa as a special
needs group, to ensure access to the full range of Commonwealth (Disability
Support Pension, Carer's Pension, family reunion, etc) and State funded
services and to ensure care is provided commensurate with Australian
2.7 Legislative
To ensure that children with disability are protected in line with
the conventions and obligations Australia is signatory to, we recommend:
Removal of the exemption of the Migration Act from the Disability Discrimination
Incorporation of international conventions to which Australia is signatory
into domestic law.
Creation of a 'Bill of Rights' accessible to all people living in Australia.
3. About MDAA
The Multicultural
Disability Advocacy Association of NSW (MDAA) is the peak body in NSW
for people from a non-English speaking background (NESB)[1]
with disability and their families and carers.
MDAA is the only
advocacy service in NSW available specifically to people from NESB with
disability, their families and carers.
MDAA is working towards:
- Promoting, protecting
and advocating for the rights of people from a NESB with disability
and their families and carers in NSW; and
- Contributing
to a process that ensures the implementation of access and equity for
people from a NESB with disability and their families and carers in
NSW in the government and non-government sectors.
4. Scope of this
The focus of this
submission is on children with disability, including all disabilities
except psychiatric disabilities/ mental health conditions. The reason
for excluding children with mental illness from this submission is not
that we don't believe this to be a major issue. In fact, we believe the
mental health of children in detention centres is a major area of concern.
However, there has been significant focus on the mental health of children
and we understand that there will be a range of submissions forthcoming
which focus on this specific aspect.
This submission is
specifically concerned with children with other disabilities, namely children
with intellectual disability, physical disability, sensory disability,
brain injuries, etc. and unless stated otherwise, wherever we refer to
children with disability in this submission we specifically exclude children
with psychiatric disabilities/ mental health conditions.
Furthermore, this
submission will not focus on the prevention of disability in immigration
detention centres, but the scope will largely be limited to identifying
the consequences of having children with disability locked up in immigration
detention centres, in a prison-like environment without adequate services
and facilities. Finally, this submission focuses on immigration detention
centres on Australia's mainland.
This submission brings
together experts from the field of disability who provided their professional
advice on the issues raised and some of case studies included.
5. The case studies
The purpose of the
case studies is to illustrate a particular area of concern in relation
to children with disability in immigration detention centres, not to highlight
the plight of a particular individual. In addition, MDAA is particularly
concerned to ensure that any individual's identity remains anonymous.
Therefore the case studies used in this submission have been developed
in four ways:
Firstly, some of
the case studies used in the submission are based on 'stories' given to
MDAA to be used in this submission. To ensure people's anonymity, we have
made changes to disguise the individual's identity (such as gender, nationality,
disability, etc.). Secondly, some case studies have been developed out
of conversations and anecdotal evidence and again efforts have been made
to disguise the identity of the individuals. Thirdly, some case studies
are composites, made up of different cases and anecdotal evidence. Lastly,
a small number of the case studies are hypothetical, based on the likelihood
of such a situation occurring.
MDAA's concern is
with the validity of the issue raised and the consequences of not identifying
and not dealing with these issues within the immigration detention centres.
To clarify this point, the case study below about the unavailability of
a modified spoon which would assist Declan to feed himself is used as
an illustration that specialist and modified equipment is often not available.
Whether every detail of the case study is based on a detainee's experience
is irrelevant to the point being made.
6. Number of children
in immigration detention centres on the Australian mainland
On the 18th of February
2002, DIMIA made the following information available to the National Ethnic
Disability Alliance (NEDA):
1. As of the 1st
February 2002 a total of 378 children were residing in detention centres
on the Australian mainland.
2. As of the 5th
February 2002 a total of 16 (or 4.2%) children with disability were
residing in detention centres. Children with disability are currently
located at Port Hedland, Curtin and Woomera detention centres.
3. The types of
disability affecting these children include cerebral palsy, hearing
impairment, vision impairment, acute dwarfism, trauma, Perthes disease
and cardiac, asthmatic and genetic (including Fragile X) disabilities.
It appears that DIMIA
did not identify any children with cognitive and other 'non- visible'
disabilities. MDAA has great concerns about disabilities not being identified
and detected (see below). Through our discussions with people, we have
been told of children with other disabilities than those identified by
DIMIA. MDAA believes the DIMIA figures underestimate the number of children
with disability, particularly as 'trauma' is included by DIMIA in the
category of disability.
There are several
factors which need to be taken in account when estimating the number of
children with disability in immigration detention centres. These factors
are based on:
6. 1. Available
Australian data:
Whilst any disability
data is to be treated cautiously, the following data about children and
disability appears to be reliable as 'guiding' data:
- According to
the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (1998, p15), within the Australian
population 3.7% of children aged 0 - 4 years have a disability, and
9.5% of children aged 5 - 14 years have a disability. This ABS report
doesn't provide a breakdown of "disability types": instead
it classifies disability according to level of activity restriction.
- ABS recently estimated
(ABS 2001) that 7% of the NSW school population (aged 5 - 19 years)
had a disability and, of this group, three quarters had a schooling
restriction including attending a special school or class.
- Of the dependent
children in NSW, roughly half were more restricted by a physical condition
(52%) than a mental or behavioural disorder (48%). Of children with
disability aged between 5 and 14 years in NSW, an estimated one third
had an intellectual / developmental disorder.
- According to a
1994 survey of families in the USA, 18% of children younger than 18
years of age had a chronic physical, developmental, behavioural, or
emotional condition and required more than the usual level of health
and related services (Newacheck et al 1998 cited in Nickel 2000, p2).
Nickel (2000, p100) also notes that the prevalence of intellectual disability
in children is generally agreed to be at 2 - 3% of the US population.
6. 2. Incidence
of disability in country of origin, incidence of disability amongst refugees
and lack of access to services in country of origin and during the duration
of being a refugee:
According to the
WHO (1981), refugee children are at increased risk of disability, including
developmental disabilities, as a result of:
- maternal malnutrition;
- inadequate antenatal
and obstetric care;
- malnutrition;
- vitamin deficiencies,
especially vitamin A and D;
- lack of immunizations
eg. polio;
- burns and other
- injuries related
to armed conflict, torture and other severe trauma;
- complications
from pneumonia and gastroenteritis;
- severe ear and
eye infections;
- lack of infant
screening for congenital defects; and
- reduced surveillance
of development especially vision and hearing.
Many of the children
currently in immigration detention centres would have been exposed to
those increased risks. Little 'hard' evidence is available, but it has
been found that the rate of congenital malformations in Iraq has risen
dramatically over the last decade (Wareham S. 2002). Dr Shant Raman, a
paediatrician who visited Villawood unofficially, reported that there
were many young babies and toddlers who had developmental delay (ABC Lateline
19 03 2002). Developmental disabilities may be higher in some detention
centre populations because of inter-marriage of first and second cousins
in some cultures.
6. 3. Australia's
refugee policies
Australia's off-shore
program excludes close family members on health grounds. As a result,
those who have a child with a disability are unable to bring their family
through the conventional resettlement program. There is no 'queue' these
families can join. It can therefore be argued that current policies and
programs force families with a child with disability into the hands of
'people smugglers', exposing them to the dangers of clandestine travel
and leaving them no option but to try their luck as 'on-shore' asylum
seekers. This means that unlike families with children without disability
who can apply for refugee status, these families have really no other
option than to come as 'illegal entrants' and spend time in an Australian
detention facility. The vast majority of these people will only ever be
eligible for a temporary protection visa.
Based on those factors
we conservatively estimate the number of children with disability currently
in immigration detention centres (based on figures given to us by DIMIA)
to be about 30 or about 8% of all the children currently in immigration
detention centres on the Australian mainland.
It is important to
note however, that irrespective of how many children with disability there
are in immigration detention centres, these children ought to be treated
in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child to which
Australia is signatory. DIMIA's letter to NEDA assures NEDA that 'all
necessary steps are taken to ensure that the needs of these children are
met'. Below we will demonstrate that this is not the case and that the
needs of children with disability are largely not identified or met.
7. The Legislative
The current legislative
framework and the lack of enforceable legislation lie at the heart of
many of the problems identified in this submission.
7.1 The Commonwealth
Disability Discrimination Act
"The Australian
government has recognised its obligations under international law to eliminate
discrimination against people with disabilities, and has enacted domestic
legislation making such discrimination unlawful. The Disability Discrimination
Act 1992 (Cth) (the DDA) prohibits direct and indirect discrimination
against people on the ground of their disability" (HREOC, National
Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention, Background paper 5).
Whilst the DDA applies
to all Commonwealth, State and Territory agencies, it does not
(a) affect discriminatory
provisions in the Migration Act 1968 or any regulation made under that
Act; or
(b) render unlawful
anything done by a person in relation to the administration of that
Act or those regulations." (DDA, 1996)
MDAA understands
that the current interpretation of the exemption of DIMIA from the DDA
effectively means that all DIMIA run and funded agencies (such as ACM)
and activities relating to the administration of the Migration Act are
exempt from the DDA. By contrast, we believe the purpose of the exemption
was largely to prohibit the immigration of people with disability, whose
disability may constitute a cost to the community. Applying the exemption
well beyond that purpose surely goes beyond the original intent of the
legislation and stretches the definition of what is the administration
of an Act beyond its legally intended meaning.
7.2 Compliance
with International Conventions
As many of the international
conventions are not incorporated in Australian domestic law, they are
not enforceable. Compliance with international conventions is not built
into current legislative structures, but left to individual courts. There
is also no Bill of Rights which would strengthen the use of international
conventions within the Australian legislative framework.
8. The situation
in on-shore Immigration Detention Centres
Children with disability
have all the needs that ordinary children have and by definition many
of these are unable to be met in the confines of a detention centre. Children
with disability have a number of additional needs that are particularly
compromised by their life in detention. This section of the submission
seeks to highlight some of these additional needs and how not meeting
them is a breach of Australia's human rights obligations.
8.1 Non-detection
and non- identification of children with disability; lack of early intervention,
Article 23 (3), Convention on the Rights of the Child
Recognising the special
needs of a disabled child, assistance shall be designed to ensure
that the disabled child has effective access to and receives education,
training, health care services, rehabilitation services, preparation for
employment and recreation opportunities in a manner conducive to the child's
achieving the fullest possible social integration and individual development,
including his or her cultural and spiritual development.
Article 23 (2),
Convention on the Rights of the Child
States Parties recognize
the right of the disabled child to special care and shall encourage and
ensure the extension, subject to available resources, to the eligible
child and those responsible for his or her care, of assistance for which
application is made and which is appropriate to the child's condition
and to the circumstances of the parents or others caring for the child.
In general, experts
agree that a lack of early identification and appropriate intervention
is likely to lead to:
- delayed development;
- poor health;
- development of
patterns of movement and behaviour that inhibit functional patterns;
- impaired learning
and development;
- increased physical
deterioration (especially for children with cerebral palsy) including
abnormal postural development; muscle shortening; contractures and deformities;
decreased mobility; decreased motor abilities;
- increased need
for adaptive/ specialised equipment which is costly and ongoing (as
a result of non-identification and increased physical deterioration)
including such items as customised wheelchairs; specialised seating;
modified bathing/ bed items; technological support; hand/ arm/ leg splints;
- increased communication
and behavioural support needs (especially for children with autism or
intellectual disability) with poor communication, lack of speech/ oral
development and onset of irritability, self-stimulating/ repetitive
and non-compliant behaviours, as a result of increased self-care needs/
decreased attainment of independence in self-care/ personal hygiene
skills, resulting in increased long-term responsibilities for caregivers;
- increased financial
costs re long-term 'burden of care', on the caregiver, the community
and future government agencies;
- family breakdown/
severe stress/ severe impact on other siblings in the family;
- long-term social/
emotional problems;
- nutritional/ diet
concerns/ consequences in non-identified children with disabilities
can also involve the development of Type 1 diabetes (especially in under-nourished
communities); the increased rate of oesophageal cancer in Iranian populations;
the impact of vitamin A deficiencies in refugee populations (eg, vitamin
A deficiencies resulting in blindness; vitamin D deficiencies resulting
in rickets and often prevalent in Asian populations;
- examples of other
disabilities and the implications if undetected are
- Praeder-Willie
syndrome (failure to thrive; poor sucking ability; short stature;
low muscle tone);
- short bowel
syndrome (malabsorption/ anaemia);
- cardiac disease
(often associated with disability - growth delay, malnutrition,
chronic illness);
- Down syndrome
(short stature; low muscle tone; cardiac problems; obesity; oral/
motor problems);
- cleft lip/
palate (difficulty sucking; swallowing; breathing; poor growth;
feeding problems);
- spina bifida
(poor sucking; hydrocephaly; feeding problems; orthopaedic/ postural
- Praeder-Willie
- increased frustration
and difficult behaviour; and
- increased worry
and uncertainty for parents.
Children with disability
need early intervention and expert assessment of their conditions and
needs. Children with disability are more vulnerable than the average child
to poor nutrition. Hearing and sight difficulties need to be detected
early to prevent secondary difficulties. Failure to recognise disabilities
can lead to emotional and behaviour difficulties due to unreasonable demands
being placed. Like all children, children with disability need acceptance
and love, a stable environment, and realistic nurturing.
Over 50 years of
research on children with many types of disabilities receiving a range
of specialized services in many different settings has produced evidence
that early intervention can:
- ameliorate and,
in some cases, prevent developmental problems;
- result in more
children having a chance to experience a 'meaningful' life;
- reduce costs;
- improve the quality
of parent, child, and family relationships.
Albert lived in
an immigration detention centre for almost 1 year from the age of 3. He
basically didn't develop any speech and did not communicate verbally with
anyone. Albert's parents and Albert communicated in a type of sign language
which whilst rudimentary was sufficient to communicate day to day needs.
Albert's parents were worried and they had raised it with the nurse who
checked Albert's ears and told the parents that she thought he was a bit
of a 'slow learner'. For the last 15 months, Albert and his family have
lived in the community and Albert's family has just made contact with
an advocacy agency who is currently trying to organise an assessment for
According to Wang
and Baron (1997), social interaction and purposeful communication are
essential for children's emotional health and development. It is important
to identify whether a communication difficulty is part of a general developmental
impairment or an isolated problem. If the former, it is critical to exclude
that the child is affected by a reversible condition such as some metabolic
disorders. Early identification and treatment of children with communication
impairments decreases their frustration and increases the likelihood of
minimising disabling conditions later.
Bega was born
8 years ago and has spent almost 5 of those years in refugee camps, mostly
in South East Asia, and for the last 6 months in Australia. Unbeknownst
to Bega and her family, she has polio. Over the last three months her
ability to speak clearly and her physical abilities have deteriorated
significantly, but her parents are scared to talk to a medical officer
about it, fearing that this will just make it harder to be successful
in their application for refugee status.
Early intervention
may begin at any time between birth and school age, however, there are
many reasons for it to begin as early as possible. There are three primary
reasons for intervening:
- to enhance the
child's development,
- to provide support
and assistance to the family, and
- to maximise the
child's and family's benefit to society.
Karnes and Lee (1978)
have noted that "only through early identification and appropriate
programming can children develop their potential".
Pellegrino (1998)
identifies that it is often common for the mobility problems of cerebral
palsy to be over-emphasised, even though related cognitive problems may
have a much greater effect on the long-term well-being for a child in
the areas of communication, socialisation and ability to care for themselves.
Unrecognised hearing loss may interfere with language development. Additionally,
children with cerebral palsy are at risk of abnormalities in swallowing
and digestion, which can have significant effects on their growth and
breathing. For musculoskeletal problems, early recognition and timely
referral are important, as conservative treatments introduced at an early
age have a better chance of success and are less costly than more invasive
and complex procedures introduced later.
For children with
autism early intervention support is critical. Hands on early intervention
can make amazing life-long differences for children who are diagnosed
with autism at an early stage. A lot of work is done teaching young children
with autism to interact physically with their families. It is much harder
when a person is older. Like all of us, kids will learn ways that help
them to survive or "win". If these behaviours manifest into
challenging behaviour, an older and bigger child makes it very hard for
parents and specialists to cause breakthroughs.
8.2 Lack of access
to or difficulty in accessing facilities in Immigration detention centres
According to DIMIA
most centres have the following non- medical facilities available to detainees:
- entertainment
- newspapers;
- sports programs/
- education;
- induction courses.
Everyone MDAA has
contacted said that there are virtually no education classes happening
anywhere and play facilities are at best limited. At one time there was
1 swing for almost 150 children at Woomera.
Whatever limited
facilities are available to all children, children with disability are
unlikely to access many of those facilities as they have not been made
accessible to children with disability.
It is generally agreed
that when working with children with disability the following five general
principles can be used to guide the selection of effective practices:
- least restrictive
- family-centred
- transdisciplinary
service delivery;
- inclusion of
both empirical and value-driven practices; and
- inclusion of both
developmentally and individually appropriate practices (Christine L.
Salisbury and Barbara J. Smith, June 1993).
Below we demonstrate
that none of these principles is applied in Australian immigration detention
8.2.1 Lack of
access to appropriate educational facilities
Article 28 (1),
Convention on the Rights of the Child
States Parties recognize
the right of the child to education and with a view to achieving this
right progressively and on the basis of equal opportunity, they shall,
in particular
(a) Make primary
education compulsory and available free to all
(d) Make educational
and vocational information and guidance available and accessible to
all children.
For all children,
but especially for children with disability, there is a particularly sensitive
learning period between the ages of two and seven. This is when children
learn basic perceptual skills, object reasoning and spatial awareness,
concepts of time, etc. A false environment, such as a detention centre
environment, is not conducive to learning broader skills.
For almost all
of the 1.5 years Cecilia lived with her Mum in an immigration detention
centre, her Mum wanted her to go to the school, but Cecilia was banned
from the school as she was seen as disruptive and too difficult. She used
to walk around and leave the classroom, talk loudly to herself, sometimes
scream for no apparent reason.
If a teacher tried
to 'calm her down' she became very distressed, screamed and bit herself.
The teachers could not cope and asked her Mum not to bring her to school
any more.
To provide Cecilia
with equal opportunity and enable her to learn in the class with the other
students, there needs to be in place:
1. Teachers with
appropriate training. There is not necessarily a need to have teachers
with full special education qualifications, but teachers who have had
some level of in-service training around teaching mixed ability classes;
2. Back up for teachers
by consultants with special education training who can assist teachers
to learn to:
- modify curricula;
- utilise teaching
strategies best suited for mixed ability classes;
- minimise disruptive
- use teachers'
aide support, not to isolate the child but to support all children learning
Appropriately supporting
Celia in the 'school' at the detention centre may provide the following
- may help to set
up mutual support networks among the students;
- may lead to decrease
in challenging behaviours; and
- will decrease
anxieties and fears of parents.
The fields of early
childhood and early childhood special education promote the incorporation
of instructional goals and curriculum content into normally occurring
routines in the home, preschool, day-care centre, and kindergarten settings
(Bredekamp, 1987; Rainforth & Salisbury, 1988). Recognising that children
with special needs require efficient, effective, and functional instruction
directed at achieving socially and educationally valid outcomes (Carta,
Schwartz, Atwater, & McConnell, 1991) it is important that practitioners
identify the nature of each child's needs and the extent to which accommodations
and supports will be necessary for each child to be successful. The best
program for a child is the program that is designed for the specific needs
of that child. Instructional arrangements, curriculum content and instructional
procedures can and should be varied to coincide with the intensity of
each child's learning needs. Such accommodations increase the likelihood
that children with special needs can be included in a vast array of typical
classroom activities.
Children with cognitive
disability need:
- individualised/
specialized schooling with a modified educational curriculum approach;
- specific programs
that are functionally oriented and integrated into their daily routine/
every day activity;
- appropriate schooling
and individualized educational programs that focus on attainment of
'life skills' with the long-term outcome of independence and transition
into the community (and including vocational/ after school options):
without this opportunity such children will most definitely require
increasing financial/ resource support, assistance and supervision as
young adults.
By way of example,
Cecilia (above) needs a daily structured routine; a breakdown and presentation
of appropriate educational input; and consistent behavioural expectations,
in conjunction with a very individualised program that has a varied activity
base and that functionally addresses her communication, physical/ sensory,
social, self-care, leisure and cognitive needs.
8.2.2 Lack of
access to appropriate equipment
Article 28 (1),
Convention on the Rights of the Child
States Parties recognize
the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child's
physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development
Declan has cerebral
palsy and needs a modified spoon to be able to feed himself. Whilst readily
available in the community, these spoons are not available in the immigration
detention centre. Therefore Declan relies on his sister to feed him which
basically means that because of the speed with which meals are served
and need to be eaten, both Declan and his sister are not getting enough
Without modified
equipment, a child with cerebral palsy will be unable to develop independent
living skills and in the long-term will need a much greater level of support.
Children with cerebral palsy frequently have oral-motor impairments which
can affect their development of speech, language and feeding skills. Promoting
feeding skills is best initiated at early ages. There are physiological
reasons to stimulate the development of feeding at that age when a child's
brain has greater plasticity. Early intervention also stops development
of poor patterns which can be difficult to change later. Professional
assessment of a feeding difficulty would consider treatment options from
a range of solutions including modified utensils, as well as modified
food texture and postural changes (Solot, 1998).
With appropriate
physiotherapy, 70% of children with cerebral palsy will walk by the age
of 3 years. In general, the time for really learning new physical skills
lasts until age 8 and then it is a question of maintenance of skills and
prevention of the type of muscle tension that causes deformity and loss
of function in people with cerebral palsy.
Modified equipment
is important in aiding the development of children with disabilities for
the following reasons:
- in the short-term
such equipment is integral to the children's daily function; improves
muscle tone/ strength, hand grasp; improved postural responses and mobility
enhances access and participation to educational, leisure/ physical
development opportunities and promotes independence in self-care tasks;
- in the long-term,
the use of such equipment decreases the dependence on others; decreases
the development of abnormal postural responses and contractures/ deformities;
facilitates and enhances independence in self-care/ life skill tasks
and participation in the wider community; and socially promotes dignity
and acceptance (ie, consider the impact for a person with disability
of being spoon fed in public due to the lack of appropriate modified
utensils; or being unable to maintain privacy and comfort when toileting
due to a lack of modified toilet/ chair facilities);
Also in the long-term,
there is a need for increased financial resource, support and assistance
being required if equipment is not readily available for those who need
it, as these children will miss out on early learning experiences as a
result and may remain dependent on adult care-givers to achieve basic
self-care/ living skill tasks (ie, meal times/ toileting, etc) in the
8.2.3 Lack of
consideration, inflexibility of the system to take into account individual
The detention centre
environment causes massive disruption to 'normal' family practices, such
as the parents and children's ability to choose what the child has to
eat, to learn how to prepare food, to prepare and eat alone as a family
together, etc. Breaking those routines can have a considerable impact
on children with disability, particularly for those with an intellectual
ability. For those with eating difficulties, disruptions to diet can have
a profound effect on nutrition.
Enda and his
Despite the fact
that Enda had offered to pay money for additional and gluten free foods
for his daughter, who has multiple disabilities and is quite frail, this
was not allowed. Meals are only served at specific times and no food is
allowed to leave the "dining" area. Detainees are checked for
food before they leave. Since living in an Australian detention centre,
Endas' daughter has lost a lot of weight.
Children with particular
conditions such as cerebral palsy and coeliac disease are at increased
risk of developing problems with nutrition and growth. Studies show that
children and young people who are undernourished are at increased risk
of illness such as respiratory disease and pneumonia, and adverse developmental
outcomes (Kessler & Dawson, 1999).
Persons with developmental
disabilities are at increased nutritional risk because of feeding problems,
drug/ nutrient interactions, metabolic disorders, decreased mobility,
and altered growth patterns. Nutrition assessment and care plan development
demand specialist knowledge ad skills in an interdisciplinary team setting
persons with developmental disabilities should receive comprehensive nutrition
services as part of all health care, vocational and educational programs
(American Dietetic Association, 1992)
Rose is 14 years
old and has diabetes. Ideally Rose needs to eat several times a day and
needs to be able to access juices or something similar any time day or
night. The detention centres serves three meals a day and other than water
no food or drink are available outside these times.
8.2.4 Lack of
physical access to buildings and facilities
"To the extent
possible, the Department is also currently taking steps to ensure that
all infrastructure development at each of the centres takes account of
the needs of detainees with physical disabilities. The new purpose-built
facility being constructed at Baxter Immigration Reception and Processing
Centre (IRPC) includes two disabled unit buildings, each containing three
bedrooms with the capacity to accommodate two people per room. Refurbishment
planned for Port Hedland IRPC includes provision for persons with disabilities
such as building access, installation of ground floor amenities, and fit-out
of ground floor bedrooms." (DIMIA letter to NEDA, 18. 02.2002).
Felix is 13 years
old and has a physical disability. An old hospital wheelchair has been
made available for Felix. Whilst Felix is not strong enough and the wheelchair
too heavy for Felix to push himself around, he can be pushed by adult
males. This means that Felix is largely isolated from peers and is dependent
on adults to get him to places. Furthermore, many of the facilities in
the detention centre are not accessible, leaving Felix dependent on adults
to carry him in and out of the dining room, bathrooms, etc.
As a child moves
through childhood and puberty, their musculoskeletal system is more susceptible
than an adult's to both internal and external mechanical forces which
can alter the shape and angle of immature bones. The abnormal internal
forces affecting children and young people with physical disabilities
must be addressed and ameliorated, to prevent further exacerbation of
their impairment and restriction (Walker and Stranger 1998, p392). An
additional consideration is the sudden and rapid growth patterns of children
and adolescents that may require fast response to address both clinical
and therapeutic need.
Equipment needs may
become more evident during adolescence, when a person has grown and become
heavier. The possibility of injury may be heightened, such as the young
person developing scoliosis as a result of poorly fitted wheel chair seating,
or back injury for carers due to lifting and transfers. Providing appropriate
equipment at that time can reduce future costs on government health and
social services.
Appropriately equipping
children addresses safety issues, enhances functioning, assists in pain
relief, and stops or lessens further physical complications, such as bone
fusion, reduced lung capacity, dislocated hips or arms, and swallowing
problems. Ultimately, this reduces the long-tem financial and social costs
which can be associated with a disability.
In the short-term
lack of access to facilities decreases mobility and physical and social
function and contributes to continued dependence in self-care and community
living skills. In the nog-term, it limits overall learning, development
and independence; inhibits social interactions/ environmental opportunities;
and discriminates against/ denies the disable the basic right to be 'included'
with others.
8.2.5 Lack of
expert medical attention
Article 24 Convention
on the Rights of the Child
1. States Parties
recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable
standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and
rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no
child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services.
2. States Parties
shall pursue full implementation of this right and, in particular, shall
take appropriate measures:
(b) To ensure the
provision of necessary medical assistance and health care to all children
with emphasis on the development of primary health care;
Gertrude was three
years old when she lived for 7 months in an isolated immigration detention
centre. Gertrude has a physical disability (Cerebral Palsy) and under
the contract the Government has with the detention centre management,
medical attention needs to be provided for.
Whilst Gertrude,
due to her disability, would have needed at least some specialist medical
intervention, reality in the detention centre was that once every 2 months
Gertrude and her mother went to a general practitioner.
This doctor then
merely looked at Gertrude and said "she is ok" and sent her
back without any medical intervention.
Gertrude is now five years old and she has just started going to weekly
physio therapy.
The physiotherapy
costs about $200 per week. Gertrude and her family now know that the medical
needs of Gertrude were overlooked because they were seen as too expensive.
Since children with
cerebral palsy have difficulties with a number of areas of their development,
a team of qualified professionals needs to be involved in interventions,
these include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists
and early special educators. Areas in which a child will often need specialist
intervention include:
- communication;
- mobility;
- thinking and
reasoning skills;
- play skills;
- classroom skills;
- eating and drinking
- social and emotional
- behavioural concerns;
- specialist equipment.
It is important that
children with cerebral palsy receive support and intervention from an
early age to ensure they have every opportunity to reach their full potential
(from Spastic Centre letter, 26th March 2002, attached to hard copy of
8.2.6 A crisis
as the best option to get expert advice
The best chance children
with disability have of receiving qualified and expert intervention is
when they slip into a crisis which constitutes a risk to their life or
the lives of others. As appears to be happening with people who experience
a severe episode of mental illness, people with complications due to their
disability are hospitalised when critical.
Crisis intervention:
- never addresses
the individual needs of a child with a disability: it is a stop-gap
measure only;
- is not cost-effective
and is a reactive approach, not proactive;
- ignores the long-term
needs of people with a disability and creates increased dependency;
- has poor outcomes
for children with a disability and their families: it is traumatic and
disempowering and ignores the fact that the best outcomes for children
with disability are achieved as a result of addressing their individual
needs through specific intervention programs that are incorporated into
their daily routine (for maximum performance/ enhancement) and which
include the education of their care-givers in the daily execution and
carryover of these tasks.
Kilian has a severe
intellectual disability with physical disabilities, including breathing
problems. Kilian had several extremely serious medical crises whilst at
a desert immigration centre and he and his family were moved to a city
detention centre, where he was referred to hospital for surgery. After
the surgery, there were several visits to a specialist medical clinic
8.2.7 No access
to medical equipment and essential aids
Article 24 (1+2),
Convention on the Rights of the Child
1e. States Parties
recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable
standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and
rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no
child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services.
2. States Parties
shall pursue full implementation of this right and, in particular, shall
take appropriate measures
(b) To ensure the
provision of necessary medical assistance and health care to all children
with emphasis on the development of primary health care.
Much is known about
the ill-effects of institutional settings on people with disability. It
is widely agreed that those settings have negative effects on people with
disability in terms of their health, emotional, intellectual and social
developments, etc. In terms of health, in order to ensure and maintain
the health of people with disability it is important to have:
- access to appropriate
and regular health care services;
- identification
and screening of specific health conditions;
- access to immunisation
programs; and
- high levels of
infection control.
17 year old Henry
lived in an immigration detention centre for over 18 months. Like most
desert Immigration detention centres his was mostly very hot in summer
and quite cold in winter. Henry has asthma which means he has difficulties
breathing. Since Henry started living in the community he has had access
to a ventilator. In the detention centre, all Henry could do on a hot
day was hope that he could spend the day in a hut that had functioning
air conditioning.
Ita is 7 years
old and has spina bifida. Ita's Dad has to queue to see the centre's nurse
every day (that can take up to three hours) to get a daily supply of continence
aids. Mostly he can't get enough continence aids for Ita or has to make
do with alternatives ( ie. babies nappies) which means that Ita is basically
always wet and has developed sores.
8.3 Lack of skills
and knowledge about disability amongst staff, detainees, families and
children with disability
8.3.1 Overall
lack of disability skills of staff
According to DIMIA
the following professionals are employed at the different detention centres
(not all centres have all the personnel):
- General Practitioners
(all centres);
- Psychologists
(Curtin, Port Hedland, Villawood, Woomera);
- Nurses (all centres);
- Psychiatrist (Port
Hedland, Villawood);
- Dentist (Port
The health services
that are delivered according to DIMIA are:
Curtin: Primary
Health Care; First Aid, Health Education, Mental Health Nurse
Maribyrnong: Primary Health Care; First Aid, Health Education,
Psychiatric Nurse
Port Hedland: Primary Health Care; First Aid, Health Education,
Mental Health Nurse
Perth: Primary Health Care; First Aid, Health Education, Mental
Health Nurse on call
Villawood: Primary Health Care; First Aid, 'Shared Care'-antenatal
Management, Psychology Services
Woomera: Primary Health Care; First Aid, Health Education, Mental
Health Nurse, Psychologists, Women's Health, Stress Management, Child
and Family Health; Immunisations; Oral Hygiene; Pro-active Health Management.
MDAA is confident
that the training received by those professionals employed by ACM is not
sufficient to deal with the disability issues inside the centres. Training
received by any of the professional groups above focuses almost exclusively
on the basic medical needs (including the mental health medical needs)
of the children with disability. Mainstream health professionals do not
usually have the expertise in disability required. Nurses, occupational
therapists, physiotherapists and speech pathologists receive only very
limited training in disability during their undergraduate years and as
a result, most complete/ undertake specific post-graduate training in
disability relevant to specific clinical streams and courses, or complete
a Post-graduate Diploma in Disability. We understand that nurses in particular
receive only a one week clinical placement in disability (maximum 6 hours)
throughout their undergraduate training and only one semester of tutorials,
mainly behavioural in focus and not clinical/ health specific.
Specialised knowledge
of physical, motor, social, language, cognitive and personal hygiene/
self-care development is necessary. Specialised assessment skills, including
'acute' clinical observations; cognitive/ standardised assessments; and
functional assessments (motor; language/ communication; self-care/ living
skills, etc) and on occasions, neuro/ developmental assessments are all
essential when determining the nature of the disability and its degree/
Specialist disability
clinical staff required include:
- occupational
- physiotherapists;
- speech pathologists;
- psychologists;
- nurses with additional
training and expertise in disability.
Early intervention
by a specialist physiotherapist is important for any physical disability
in the short-term. If the child with disability is left without early
intervention they will have to compensate posturally in some way to counter
the effects of the disability. In the long-term, the body of a child with
a physical disability will compensate in such a way that it will lead
to problems greater than the initial disability itself. Short-term compensations
include muscle shortening and require surgery and intensive post-operative
physiotherapy. Long-term compensations result in contractures and deformities,
generally requiring the need for specialised equipment/ resources such
as modified wheelchairs, customised seating, splinting, etc. In the long-term,
the lack of early intervention for children with a disability results
in increased care and spiralling medical, therapy and equipment costs.
8.3.2 Not inviting
disability experts into detention centres
Article 19, Convention
on the Rights of the Child
1. States Parties
shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational
measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence,
injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation,
including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s)
or any other person who has the care of the child.
2. Such protective
measures should, as appropriate, include effective procedures for the
establishment of social programs to provide necessary support for the
child and for those who have the care of the child, as well as for other
forms of prevention and for identification, reporting, referral, investigation,
treatment and follow-up of instances of child maltreatment described heretofore,
and, as appropriate, for judicial involvement.
MDAA has spoken to
a wide range of disability service providers in NSW and several in some
of the other States and territories. We have been unable to find even
one single incident, where disability experts were invited into an immigration
detention centre to provide the quality and expert services needed by
some of the people with disability.
Jude is a 13 year
old girl with mild to moderate intellectual disability. Jude refuses to
attend school and in the past she often went wandering. A couple of weeks
ago, Jude went off and did not return to her family for several hours.
When she did, she was crying, her clothes were dirty and torn. Since then
Jude has been hitting and biting herself. Her family assumes she was assaulted
and they reported the incident to centre management. The centre doctor
saw her two days after the incident and gave her some sedatives. Since
then Jude has continued to harm herself and has been placed in isolation
(euphemistically called the 'observation room') on several occasions.
Wilson & Brewer
(1992) found that people with intellectual disability were 3 times more
likely to be a victim of violent crime than people without disability.
Sobsey (1994) and Crossmaker (1991) documented that there is an increase
of abuse in congregate care, especially in institutional settings.
Whilst no particular
research has been done on the abuse rates of people with intellectual
disability in immigration detention centres, the institutional nature
of the centres is similar to other institutional settings.
Article 34, Convention
on the Rights of the Child
States Parties undertake
to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual
It is important to
note that whilst children with disability display a similar range of symptoms
and behaviours as reactions to the abuse, for children with disability
these behaviours are more often interpreted, especially by non- experts
as being part of the disability. It is also important to note here that
as with people without disability there is a range of behaviours and symptoms
synonymous with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which in the setting
of the immigration detention centres is likely to be diagnosed ( if it
is diagnosed at all) as part of other traumatic experiences.
Finally, the weight
of evidence from institutional settings has irrefutably proven that punishment
is a completely inappropriate way to deal with behaviours such as those
displayed by Jude and the only intervention that will have a good impact
and outcomes are positive approaches.
8.3.3 Lack of
knowledge amongst detainees and families about disability
One of the reasons why children with disability are discriminated against
is because of other people's attitudes towards them. In detention centres
there are different cultural groups with different attitudes. As discussed
above staff are most likely to have no training in disability issues,
therefore staff need training to overcome their own attitudinal barriers
towards people with disability to ensure that they can use that training
in addressing negative attitudes towards disability amongst detainees.
A social approach
to disability is needed that highlights the interaction between persons
with disabilities and the environment. Such an approach is also needed
to ensure the effective protection, development and inclusion of children
with disability.
Leo is a 12 year
old boy who is HIV positive. Somehow other detainees learned that and
Leo is isolated and people do not want to sit next to him or his family.
Catching 'AIDS' is a fear amongst many of the detainees. Although there
is information about HIV/AIDS available in different languages, no such
information is available to the detainees.
It cannot be assumed
that the people in immigration detention centres have been exposed to
the same levels of public health education and more broadly public education
about disabilities.
One day in the
detention centre Marian collapsed and started foaming from the mouth.
Her parents didn't know what to do and screamed for help. They wanted
Marian to go to hospital immediately. Two guards arrived and recognised
that Marian had an epileptic seizure. They did everything to ensure that
she did not hurt herself and also tried to calm the parents. Whilst Marian's
parents are educated, they have never seen an epileptic seizure. They
don't believe and do not trust the centre's doctor and they worry about
what has really happening to their daughter.
9. Issues once
children with disability are released from Immigration Detention centres
into the Community
Article 2 (2), Convention
on the Rights of the Child
States Parties shall
take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is protected against
all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of status, activities,
expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child's parents, legal guardian
or family members.
9.1. Temporary
Protection visas
It is important to
note that a large number of the people who apply for refugee status when
in immigration detention centres are currently granted refugee status
and given Temporary Protection Visas (TPV) Subclass 785. Temporary Protection
Visas exclude people from a range of services and entitlements available
to people who are granted permanent protection visas and others. These
services and entitlements are regulated through either Commonwealth or
States and Territory jurisdictions. Over 40% of all TPV holders currently
reside in NSW.
Neot's dad sent
him to the immigration detention school facility whenever school was on.
Neot would usually sit in the back and say nothing. Sometimes he was asked
to answer a question but he never did. He never talked to any of the other
children and in general he hardly every spoke to anyone, except to his
dad or his Mum.
Whenever Neot
was given the opportunity to do any written work he excelled in writing
stories and in maths. A Psychiatrist was called in to do an assessment
but he could not communicate with Neot.
A mental health
nurse three months later finally discovered that Neot had a severe hearing
impairment and urgently needed hearing aids. Neot and his family are living
in the community but as a temporary Protection Visa holder Neot cannot
access the hearing services and has been using an ill - fitting second
hand hearing aid for some time.
TPV holders are not
eligible for the full range of social security benefits. The 'Special
Benefit' designed for TPV holders is less than the dole. TPV holders are
not eligible for Job assistance programs or English language programs.
For minors with a disability this means that they cannot enter specialist
training programs. Without specialist skills minors with a disability
who are TPV holders face an almost insurmountable barrier to the labour
market. As many TPV holders are likely to be granted continued refugee
protection, the cost of continued unemployment and under utilization of
skills will be transferred to the broader community.
TPV holders are also
not eligible for disability pension or the full range of benefits attached
which place them at a financial disadvantage. That financial hardship
is compounded by the cost of disability, such as medication, equipment,
transport costs, etc. Not being eligible for some Commonwealth benefits,
such as the Disability Support Pension, means people are ineligible for
some Commonwealth / State funded programs such as PADP (Physical Aids
for the Disabled Program).
As TPV holders have
no right to family reunion, this combined with the ineligibility for a
range of services, means that any care which might need to be undertaken
for the child with the disability is largely being provided by one person
(usually the mother).
Albert's family
( as shown on page 8 of this submission) has made contact with an advocacy
agency and has tried to organise an assessment for Albert, but has been
unsuccessful in accessing the assessment through the appropriate disability
government agency in NSW (the Disability Directorate of the NSW Department
of Ageing, Disability and Home Care) as Albert is not a permanent resident
(DADHC; policies for Working with People with Disabilities Version 2 Departmental
Intake Process [clarification on this point is currently being sought
by MDAA])
Whilst TPV holders
can access Commonwealth funded Early Health Assessment and intervention
programs provided by torture and trauma services, these assessments and
programs do not focus on disability. The expertise of those services is
torture and trauma counselling, not identifying disabilities and designing
intervention programs.
It appears that children
with disability who are TPVs in NSW are not eligible for the specialist
early intervention services available to other children with disability.
Children with disability who hold a TPV appear to be able to access 'mainstream
school' and are most likely to experience the same or greater difficulties
as all children with disability experience in 'mainstream' school settings.
The consequences
of TPV holders' ineligibility for case management offered to other refugees
by settlement services is that other services, often small, under-funded
ethno-specific community based services, have to spend huge amounts of
time trying to procure specialist and affordable services to assist children
with a disability.
Financial hardship
is also compounded by TPV holders' ineligibility for specialist housing,
or in most states, such as NSW, not even being allowed on the public housing
waiting list. They are also ineligible for Commonwealth funded services
which could assist with finding housing that is appropriate for the child
with disability.
Overall there is
a lack of clarity about what TPV holders are and are not eligible for
in NSW and there are clear inequities across different State and Territory
jurisdictions. We understand that DIMIA has refused to produce comprehensive
information for service providers on what services TPV holders are eligible
for. There is also some lack of clarity about what state funded services
TPV holders can access.
9.2 Cost shifting
It is clear from
the evidence available that if a person with a disability cannot access
disability services, there is a high cost to them in terms of their opportunities
and options as discussed previously in this submission, but there is also
a greater cost to the community. In most cases this cost will be carried
by the States and Territories, not by the Commonwealth.
To highlight again
the point about the importance of early intervention, the range of studies
below emphasise the long-term cost effectiveness of early intervention.
The highly specialised, comprehensive services necessary to produce the
desired developmental gains are often, on a short-term basis, more costly
than traditional school-aged service delivery models. However, there are
significant examples of long-term cost savings that result from such early
intervention programs:
- A 3-year follow-up
in Tennessee showed that for every dollar spent on early treatment,
US $7.00 in savings were realised within 36 months. This saving resulted
from deferral of special class placement and institutionalisation of
severely behaviour disordered children (Snider, Sullivan, and Manning,
- A recent evaluation
of Colorado's state-wide early intervention services reports a cost
saving of US $4.00 for every dollar spent within a 3-year period (McNulty,
Smith, and Soper, 1983).
- A longitudinal
study of children who participated in the Perry Preschool Project (Schweinhart
and Weikart, 1980) found that when schools invest about US $3,000 for
1 year of pre-school education for a child, they immediately begin to
recover their investment through savings in special education services.
Benefits included US $668 from the mother's released time while the
child attended preschool; US $3,353 saved by the public schools because
children with pre-school education had fewer years in grades; and US
$10,798 in projected lifetime earnings for the child.
- Wood (1981) calculated
the total cumulative costs to age 18 of special education services to
children beginning intervention at: (a) birth ; (b) age 2; (c) age 6;
and (d) at age 6 with no eventual movement to regular education. She
found that the total costs were actually less if begun at birth! Total
cost of special services begun at birth was US $37,273 and total cost
if begun at age 6 was between US $46,816 and US $53,340. The cost is
less when intervention is earlier because of the remediation and prevention
of developmental problems which would have required special services
later in life.
A number of specialist
disability services do not offer services to people who are temporary
residents, but it appears that many non- government disability agencies
have a 'don't ask, don't tell' attitude.
Those agencies are
placed in the position of having to undertake extensive case work assistance
which can create a significant burden on their existing resources. This
again highlights a significant cost shifting from the Commonwealth. In
addition, many disability services have little experience in working with
newly arrived refugees and often have limited experience with unsupported
NESB clients.
9.3 No links between detention centres and services in the community
On release from the
detention centres families are not referred to the services they need
and any useful assessments, case notes or programs from detention are
lost. Without this, families are left to negotiate the maze of services
alone, without interpreters. Most families not only don't know the words
for services, but they also don't understand the service system. The disability
service system in particular, with its multiple entry points and with
many, many 'dead-ends' is a challenge to most families, let alone those
without language interpreters and without any understanding of the Australian
service system.
8. For more Information
Australian Bureau
of Statistics (ABS) 1998, Disability, Ageing and Carers: Summary of findings.
ABS Catalogue no. 4430.0, Commonwealth of Australia, ABS.
Australian Bureau
of Statistics (ABS) 2001, Disability, New South Wales. ABS Catalogue no.
4443.1. Commonwealth of Australia, ABS.
Bailey, D. B., McWilliam,
P. J., & Winton, P. J. (1992). "Building family-centered practices
in early intervention: A team-based model for change." Infants and
Young Children, 5(1), 73-82.
Bartel. Chapel Hill,
NC: University of North Carolina, Frank Porter Graham Child Development
Center, l981.
Beckman-Bell, P.
"Needs of Parents with Developmentally Disabled Children." In
A National Review Project Of Child Development Services: A State-Of-The-Art
Series, edited by R. Wiegerink and J. M.
J. R., and others. Changed Lives: The Effects Of The Perry Preschool Project
On Youths Through Age 19. Ypsilanti, MI: High/Scope Educational Research
Foundation, 1984.
Bredekamp, S. (Ed.)(1987).
"Developmentally appropriate." Washington, DC: National Association
for the Education of Young Children. ED283587.
Brinker, R. P. (1985).
"Interactions between severely mentally retarded students and other
students in integrated and segregated public school settings." American
Journal of Mental Deficiency, 89, 587-594.
Carta, J. C., Schwartz,
I. S., Atwater, J. B., McConnell, S. R. (1991). "Developmentally
appropriate practice: Appraising its usefulness for young children with
disability." Topics in Early Childhood Education, 11 (1) 1-20.
Cooper, J. H. An
Early Childhood Special Education Primer. Chapel Hill, NC: Technical Assistance
Development System (TADS), 1981.
DeStefano, D. M.,
Howe, A. G., Horn, E. H., & Smith, B. (1991). "Best practice
in early childhood special education." Tucson, AZ: Communication
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definition of NESB refers to a person:
- born overseas
and whose language or culture is not English or Anglo-Celtic / Saxon
- born here in
Australia and the first language or culture of at least one parent is
not English or Anglo-Celtic/ Saxon
- born in Australia
with linguistic or cultural background other than English or Anglo-Celtic
/ Saxon who wish to be identified as such.
Updated 30 June 2003.