The right to a discrimination-free workplace (MCLE reg 176) 2010
The right to a discrimination-free workplace (MCLE reg 176)
Date: 1-2pm, Tuesday 30 March 2010
Venue: Australian Human Rights Commission
Hearing Room, Level 8 Piccadilly Tower, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW
This one-hour presentation has been designed to meet the requirements of reg 176 of the Legal Profession Regulation 2005.
Regulation 176 requires practitioners to complete at least one MCLE unit every 3 years relating to the management of the practice of law dealing predominantly with the principles of equal opportunity, the law relating to the discrimination and harassment, occupational health and safety law and employment law.
The seminar will focus particularly on recent developments in discrimination and employment law and consider practical ways to prevent workplace discrimination and harassment.
Participants will receive a detailed written paper to accompany the presentation. Tea and coffee will also be available.
Jonathon Hunyor is the Director of Legal Services at the Australian Human Rights Commission. He teaches discrimination law at the University of New South Wales and has regularly published articles on a range of human rights and discrimination law issues.
Tracey Raymond is Principal Training and Policy Officer in the Commission’s Complaint Handling Section. Tracey has extensive experience in investigating and resolving complaints regarding discrimination and harassment. Tracey is currently responsible for the development and facilitation of the Commission’s investigation and conciliation training programs and she conducts training for public and private agencies across Australia as well as human rights institutions in the Asia Pacific region.