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ell us your story for our ‘Voices of Australia’ project (2005)

Media Releases

Wednesday, 27 April 2005

Tell us your story for our ‘Voices of Australia’ project

 To mark the 30 th anniversary of the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA), the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission is putting together ‘Voices of Australia ’ – a magazine and audio CD of real-life stories about diversity and living together in contemporary Australia.

“We want to include stories from everyone - it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old; what background you come from; whether you’ve lived in Australia all your life or settled here recently,” said Tom Calma, Acting Race Discrimination Commissioner.

‘Voices of Australia’ will be distributed to community groups, schools, libraries, local councils, religious groups, government agencies and other groups around the country.

“We’ve made the themes very broad so we can include a wide range of stories, but try and make your story specific by telling us about a particularly important event or moment in your life,” Mr Calma said.

Themes include:

  • Australia: our home: What does it mean for Australia to be your home? What is special about the people and place where you live?
  • Unexpected friendships: How did you meet your friend? What have you learnt from each other?
  • Breaking down barriers: What barriers have you experienced – as an individual or as part of a group? How did you overcome those barriers?
  • Racism: not in my backyard: When did you see or experience racism? How did you respond? How did things change?
  • From tolerance to respect: When did you feel someone’s attitude towards you change? What does it mean to you to be ‘respected’ rather than ‘tolerated’?

Your story should be no more than one A4 page (400 words) and sent to us no later than 22 July 2005. And remember - your writing style isn’t important, it’s your story that matters.

We will contact you to let you know if we intend to publish your story in the magazine or on our website. Any personal information you submit will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Fax your story with the completed ‘ Approval for Publication Form’to (02) 9284 9849 (Attn: Voices of Australia) or post to: ‘Voices of Australia’, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW, 2001.

Or send your story to us at or by visiting

“Thirty years on, the RDA continues to be a strong statement about our shared values – that racism and discrimination have no place in our community. So get involved with this valuable project and help make it a success,” Mr Calma said.

Media Contact: Paul Oliver 02 9284 9880 or 0408 469 347

For updates about the Voices of Australia project please join the Racial Discrimination Electronic Mailing List.

For Media Enquiries Contact: Paul Oliver (02) 9284 9880 or 0408 469 347

Last updated: 27 April 2005.
© Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.
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