Assignment questions
Assignment questions
The information provided on this part of the Australian Human Rights Commission website is designed to help secondary and tertiary students with information about human rights in general.
If there is particular information that you need regarding a certain topic, use the search facility to find related information on other parts of the website. Good places to find information include:
- The Commission home page
- News Stories and Media releases provide opinions about issues that the Commission is involved with
- Speeches provide information on a range of topics
- The Annual Reports in the publication section has statistics on complaints.
If there is something in particular that you need, try using the Commission's search engine at
Most human rights related assignment questions require you to RESEARCH, READ and THINK about the issues. This takes time, and in many cases you will end up with a different opinion to somebody else who reads the same information. Refer to your school/ university style guide and research guides for information about research.
Please be aware that the Commission is not able to answer your assignment questions directly.