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IncludeAbility Evaluation

Disability Rights
Two people side on smiling and laughing. The man is wearing a Woolworths hat.
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    This is a picture depicting the way support has been provided by both the AHRC and the Intermediary to the pilot employing organisation. The employing organisation is depicted as a five level pyramid. Each level of the pyramid represents a different level of the organisation from the CEO at the top to the new employees with disability at the bottom. The AHRC is represented as a vertical box to the left of the pyramid that provides support as the expert in disability employment and rights. The Intermediary also provides support to the employing organisation and is depicted by a box to the right of the pyramid. The intermediary is the talent link and support provider to both the employer and the employee. Together the AHRC and the intermediary provide specific supports at each level of the organisation, with only the AHRC providing support as a trusted partner at the CEO level. At the Senior Executive level, the AHRC and the intermediary act as critical friends. At the State or regional manager level, both organisations work to offer trusted links to new talent pipelines. At the workplace or shopfloor level, the AHRC and intermediary provides shoulder to shoulder support. At the level of new employees with disability, both organisations ensure the conditions for the individual's success are in place.