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Refugees with adverse security assessments

Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Flower Gate

The Commission has serious concerns about the situation for people who have been found to be refugees, but who have received adverse security assessments from the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation (ASIO). For information about refugees with adverse security assessments, see the Commission’s fact sheet: Tell Me About: Refugees with Adverse Security Assessments.

In August 2013 the UN Human Rights Committee found that the indefinite detention of a group of 46 refugees with adverse security assessments was arbitrary (and therefore violated article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and was inflicting serious psychological harm upon them, which amounted to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment contrary to article 7 of the ICCPR. For a summary of the UN Human Rights Committee's findings see Casenote: FKAG v Australia and MMM v Australia

For further information, see:



Complaints investigated by the Commission:

Immigration detention reports:
