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Appendix 4 – Schedule of public hearings and witness list

Five public hearings were convened by the Inquiry with a total of 41 witnesses giving evidence. The following is a list of all witnesses who appeared before the Inquiry.

Date Location Witness list
4 April 2014 Sydney
Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Ms Rim Jezan
    (Former child detainee)
  • Department of Immigration and Border Protection
    (Mr Mark Cormack – Deputy Secretary, Immigration
    Status Resolution Group;
    Mr Christopher Callanan – First Assistant Secretary,
    Status Resolution Services Division;
    Mr John Cahill – First Assistant Secretary, Detention
    Infrastructure and Services Division;
    Ms Kate Pope PSM – First Assistant Secretary,
    Community Programmes and Children Division;
    Mr Paul Windsor – Assistance Secretary Detention
    Health Services Branch; and
    Ms Katie Constantinou – Assistant Secretary, Inquiry
  • Conjoint Associate Professor Karen Zwi
    (Paediatrician and Child Development expert and
    Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)
    representative to the Inquiry)
  • Mr Mat Tinkler
    (Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Save The Children)
  • Dr Sarah Mares
    (Consultant Child and Family Psychiatrist and Royal
    Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
    (RANZCP) representative to the Inquiry)
  • Mr Bashir Yousufi
    (Former child detainee)
  • Refugee Council Australia
    (Mr Phil Glendenning – President;
    Ms Lucy Morgan – Information Policy Co-ordinator.)
  • Mrs Dorothy Hoddinott
    (Principal, Holroyd High School)
  • Professor Mary Crock
    (Legal academic, University of Sydney)
2 July 2014 Melbourne
Fitzroy Town Hall
  • Professor Jon Jureidini
    (Child Psychiatrist)
  • Mr Kon Karapanagiotidis and Ms Pamela Curr
    (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre);
  • Sr Brigid Arthur
    (Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project)
  • International Health and Medical Services
    (Dr Mark Parrish; Mr Ian Gilbert; Dr Ray Gadd; and
    Ms Melissa Lysaght.)
  • Department of Immigration and Border Protection
    (Mr Mark Cormack – Deputy Secretary, Immigration
    Status Resolution Group;
    Mr John Cahill – First Assistant Secretary, Detention
    Infrastructure and Services Division; and
    Ms Katie Constantinou – Assistant Secretary, Inquiry
  • Professor Louise Newman
    (Child Psychiatrist);
  • Dr Choong-Siew Yong
    (Child Psychiatrist, Representative of the Australian
    Medical Association)
  • Professor Susan Sawyer
    (Paediatrician, Centre for Adolescent Health,
    Royal Children’s Hospital)
  • Ms Sophie Peer
  • Professor Caroline de Costa
    (Obstetrician and Gynaecologist)
14 July 2014 Sydney
Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Dr Peter Young
    (Psychiatrist; Former International Health and Medical
    Services Medical Director of Mental Health Services)
  • Dr Grant Ferguson and Dr John-Paul Sanggaran
    (Doctors at Christmas Island Detention Centre 2013)
  • Professor Elizabeth Elliott
    (Australian Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health;
    Consultant Paediatrician)
  • Ms Kirsty Diallo
    (Former employee of Save the Children Nauru; Social
    Worker; Case Manager 2013 – 2014)
  • Department of Immigration and Border Protection
    (Mr Martin Bowles – Department Secretary;
    Mr Mark Cormack – Deputy Secretary, Immigration
    Status Resolution Group; and
    Ms Katie Constantinou – Assistant Secretary, Inquiry
  • Dr Ai-Lene Chan
    (Doctor at Nauru Detention Centre and Christmas Island
    Detention Centres 2013 – 2014)
  • Mr Gregory Lake
    (Former Director Offshore Processing and Transfers,
    Department of Immigration and Border Protection)
22 August 2014 Canberra,
Parliament House
  • The Hon Scott Morrison MP
    (Minister for Immigration and Border Protection) and
    Mr Martin Bowles (Secretary – Department of
    Immigration and Border Protection)
  • Minister’s Council on Asylum Seekers and Detention
    (Mr Paris Aristotle – Chair; and
    Professor Nicholas Procter – Member)
  • Ms Deborah Homewood
    (Managing Director, MAXimus Solutions)
9 September 2014 Sydney
Australian Human Rights Commission
  • The Hon Chris Bowen MP
    (Former Minister for Immigration and Citizenship)