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Appendix 2 Schedule of Public Hearings and Witness List

A last resort?

National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention



Appendix 2 Schedule of Public Hearings and Witness List

The Inquiry held 61 public sessions (105 witnesses) and 24 confidential sessions (50 witnesses) between May 2002 and August 2002. Nine of the witnesses in confidential hearings (7 sessions) later agreed to make their evidence public.

Transcripts of public hearings are available on the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's web site:

Melbourne, 30-31 May 2002

  • Alliance of Health Professionals Concerned about the Health of Asylum Seekers and their Children (Dr Jill Sewell)
  • Bender, Lyn (former ACM psychologist, Woomera)
  • Hotham Mission, Asylum Seeker Project (Grant Mitchell)
  • Justice for Asylum Seekers Alliance (Sarina Greco, Grant Mitchell, Marc Purcell)
  • Kids in Detention Story (Julian Burnside, Jacki Dillon, Catharine Hydon, John Manetta)
  • Melbourne International Health and Justice Group (Dr Cate Burns, Assoc Professor Scott Phillips, Andre Renzaho, Beverley Snell)
  • Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre (David Manne)
  • Rogalla, Barbara (former ACM nurse, Woomera)
  • Tobin, John (Senior Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne)

Perth, 10 June 2002

  • Brosnan, Katie (former ACM teacher, Port Hedland)
  • Carroll, Paul (Dr) (former ACM doctor, Woomera)
  • Coalition Assisting Refugees After Detention (Eira Clapton, Theo Mackaay, Dr Judyth Watson)
  • le Sueur, Marg (lawyer and migration agent)
  • O'Connor, Rose (former ACM teacher, Port Hedland)
  • Southern Communities Advocacy Legal and Education Service (Mary-Anne Kenny)
  • Sparrow, Annie (Dr) (former ACM doctor, Woomera)
  • Western Australian Government (Margaret Banks, Judith Chernysh, Bill Curry, Maree De Lacey, David Gornall, Aaron Groves, Tara Gupta, Kerry Ross)

Adelaide, 1-2 July 2002

  • Action for Children, South Australia (Ustinia Dolgopol)
  • Adelaide Secondary School of English (Maria Iadanza)
  • Ali, Hadeel (former volunteer at the Middle Eastern Community Council of South Australia)
  • Association of Major Charitable Organisations South Australia (Beverley Hartigan, Susan Park)
  • Australian Association for Infant Mental Health (Dr Ros Powrie)
  • Clifton, Allan (former ACM Operations Manager, Woomera)
  • Former Department Infrastructure Manager, Woomera
  • Hamilton-Smith, Anthony (former Department Manager, Woomera)
  • Jureidini, Jon (Dr) (child psychiatrist)
  • Lutheran Community Care (Julia Anaf, Colleen Fitzpatrick)
  • Mann, Tom (Dr) (former ACM teacher, Woomera)
  • Mares, Sarah (Dr) (child and family psychiatrist)
  • Newbound, Angela (immunisation provider)
  • O'Neill, Marie (Dr) (former ACM psychologist, Woomera)
  • Petersons, Inese (former ACM teacher, Woomera)
  • Port Adelaide Enfield Council, New Arrivals Clinic (Karyn Fromene)
  • Procter, Nicholas (Dr) (Associate Professor in Mental Health, University of South Australia)
  • South Australian Coalition for Refugee Children (Julie Redman, Rosemary Steen)
  • South Australian Department of Education and Children's Services, English as a Second Language Program (John Walsh)
  • South Australian Department of Human Services (Monica Leahy, Katrina McNeil)
  • South Australian Department of Justice, Office of Multicultural Affairs (Joy de Leo, Janusz Mikos)
  • Torbet, Sharon (former ACM Activities Officer, Woomera)

Sydney, 15-17 July 2002

  • Amnesty International Australia (Steven Columbus, Graham Thom)
  • Asylum Seekers Centre (Jennifer Marsh, Sylvia Winton)
  • Australian Human Rights Centre (John Pace)
  • Bilboe, Harold (former ACM psychologist, Woomera)
  • ChilOut (Johanne Gow, Heather Tyler)
  • Council of Social Service of New South Wales (Ros Bragg, Alan Kirkland)
  • Everitt, Jacqueline (lawyer)
  • International Commission of Jurists, Australian Section (Elizabeth Biok, David Bitel)
  • Jesuit Refugee Service and UNIYA (Father Frank Brennan)
  • Lebanese Muslims Association (Keysar Trad)
  • Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales (Elizabeth Biok, Philippa Martin)
  • Marist Refugee Centre (Father Jim Carty)
  • Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association NSW (Barbel Winter)
  • Muslim Women's National Network of Australia (Faikah Behardien, Jamila Hussain)
  • NSW Commission for Children and Young People (Gillian Calvert)
  • People with Disabilities (Damian Griffis)
  • Pfitzner, Bernice (Dr) (former ACM doctor, Woomera)
  • Refugee Advice and Casework Service (Melissa McAdam, Alison Ryan)
  • Refugee Review Tribunal (Paula Cristoffanini, Steve Karas, Mark Mantle)
  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (Dr Louise Newman)
  • Sabian Mandaean Association (Esselle Hattom)
  • UNICEF Australia (Gaye Phillips)
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Michel Gabaudan, Alvin Gonzaga)
  • University of NSW Centre for Refugee Research and Australian National Committee on Refugee Women (Dr Eileen Pittaway)

Brisbane, 5 August 2002

  • Amnesty International's School's Network, Queensland (Rebecca Ashby, Matthew Clifford, Meg Foley, Kirsten Hagan, Rory Killen)
  • Brisbane Refugee Health Network (Gaby Heuft, Margot Salom, Dr Rohan Vora)
  • Cowley, Camilla (Manager, Tiger 11 Soccer Team)
  • Diversity in Child Care, Queensland (Jane Delaney-John)
  • Hazara Ethnic Society (Hassan Ghulam)
  • Huxstep, Mark (former ACM nurse, Woomera)
  • Milpera State High School (Gayle Hood, Adele Rice)
  • Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (Ally Wakefield)
  • Romero Community Centre (Sister de Lourdes Jarret, Alec Shabanz, Frederika Steen)
  • United Nations Association of Australia (Professor Margaret Reynolds)
  • Youth Advocacy Centre (Damian Bartholomew)

Hearings for the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (the Department) and Australasian Correctional Management Pty Limited (ACM)

Sydney, 12 September 2002, Directions Hearing

Counsel for the Department and ACM

Sydney, 2-5 December 2002

Counsel for the Department and ACM

Department witnesses: David Frencham, Philippa Godwin, Rosemary Greaves, Robert Illingworth, Greg Kelly, Christine McPaul, Douglas Walker
ACM witness: Sarah Lumley

Sydney, 19 September 2003 (ACM only)

Counsel for ACM

13 May 2004