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The complainant says he is homosexual and worked as a dispute officer with the respondent bank. He alleged a colleague made numerous comments about his sexuality and asked him if he was sexually involved with another male colleague. The complainant said he told his colleague that the comments made him uncomfortable and asked him to stop. He alleged his colleague did not take his request seriously, laughed at him and persisted with the comments. The complainant was no longer working at the bank when he made the complaint.

The bank said that following an internal investigation, the complainant’s allegations could not be substantiated. The bank noted there was a bantering culture within the complainant’s team.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the bank pay the complainant $2,000 and direct his former colleague to attend one-on-one training on anti-discrimination and leadership behaviours.


Discrimination type
Sex Discrimination Act

Sexual orientation


Outcome details


Named individual(s) to undertake anti-discrimination/EEO training 
