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The complainant contacted the respondent company for service because she was experiencing problems with appliances she had purchased from the company. She claimed when she called the mobile number of the technician for the company to enquire about the status of the repair, she heard another male answer the phone and refer to her as  ‘some bitch’ to the technician. She claimed the technician said sorry and then said she had called a wrong number and ‘you know how men are’. She said she told the technician that she did call the right number, she should be referred to by her name and no woman should be called a ‘bitch’.

On being advised of the complaint the company indicated a willingness to try to resolve the matter by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the company pay the complainant $2,500, provide training to all staff on anti-discrimination and review it's policy on anti-discrimination.


Discrimination type
Sex Discrimination Act


Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions 

Anti-discrimination/EEO training introduced

Anti-discrimination/EEO policy reviewed/revised 
