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The complainant’s 15-year-old son has Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and can become distressed when in crowded and noisy environments. The complainant claimed he was unable to take his son to a multi-day agricultural show because organisers did not schedule a day with reduced noise and crowds in order to accommodate the needs of people with disability. 

The organisers of the agricultural show claimed it was not possible to set a whole day aside as a ‘quiet day’ because of the short duration of the show and the number of stakeholders involved. Organisers said they had taken several steps to try to accommodate the needs of patrons with disability and to better manage noise and crowds. 

The complaint was resolved with an undertaking by organisers to: 

* Develop maps showing quieter and louder areas of the venue 

* Offer information on which times or days are least crowded 

* Provide a break-out area for people with disability 

* Update and improve the page on the show’s website dedicated to people with disability.


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act


Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions 

Policy change/Change in practice 
