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The complainant alleged that an offer of employment as a support worker in a community organisation was revoked by senior management because of her criminal record. She said she disclosed her criminal record during the recruitment process. The complainant had been convicted of minor theft and fraud offences approximately nine years earlier. She claimed the organisation offered her no opportunity to discuss the circumstances surrounding her criminal record before making its decision. 

The organisation claimed the complainant’s criminal record was inconsistent with the inherent requirements of the support worker role, which involved working without supervision in the homes of vulnerable persons and with full access to their possessions.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the organisation pay the complainant $1,500, the equivalent to six weeks’ wages. The organisation also apologised to the complainant for the distress caused by the decision to make, and then revoke, the offer of employment.


Discrimination type
Other discrimination in employment

Criminal record


Outcome details

Apology - private

