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The complainant identifies as a transgender woman and contacted the respondent insurer for the purposes of obtaining a quote for life insurance. She alleged a staff member of the insurer addressed her as ‘sir’ and told her that she would be assessed for life insurance as a male, despite identifying as female. 

The insurer explained a staff member initially addressed the complainant as ‘sir’ as an initial greeting and before being aware the complainant identifies as female. The insurer said the staff member again addressed the complainant as ‘sir’ after becoming rattled in response to the complainant’s conduct on the call. The insurer said applications for insurance were assessed using an underwriting rules engine which assesses applicants according to their sex at birth. The insurer explained that transgender applicants were assessed according to their sex at birth because risks associated with their sex at birth were unlikely to change due to a change in gender identity.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the insurer pay the complainant $5,000 and convey the issues raised in the complaint to its underwriter.


Discrimination type
Sex Discrimination Act

Gender identity

Goods, services and facilities Insurance

Outcome details

