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The complainant has post-stroke hemiplegia, aphasia and depression, and has an assistance animal. He booked a two-night stay with the respondent resort, which would cost approximately $350 and was informed shortly before he was due to check-in that a $150 fee would apply because he was accompanied by an assistance animal. The complainant said he asked to see a copy of the relevant policy but it was not provided to him. He also alleged the resort declined to waive the fee despite his advice that his dog was trained, licensed as an assistance animal and non-shedding.

On being notified of the complaint, the resort indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved. The resort apologised to the complainant for his experience, offered him a complimentary one-night stay and raised the complainant's experience with management, resulting in a review of policy and the publication of new guidelines regarding assistance animals.


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act

Assistance animal

Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details


Policy change/Change in practice (external customers) 

