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Young people in the workplace: Activity sheet - rightsED

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Young people in the workplace - Activity sheet 4

The workplace - your rights and responsibilities

As you watch the DVD or read the script, use this activity sheet to make some notes.

This sheet will help you to identify some of the questions that are raised in the DVD/script.





Scene two - the interview

1. Does Mr Robinson (the boss) conduct an appropriate interview?




2. Does Mr Robinson discriminate against Lian or harass her in any way?




3. Is this workplace well set up to handle staff problems?




Scene three - introduction to the workplace

4. Is the computer screen saver an example of sexual harassment?




5. Does the boss treat Lian appropriately over the matter of future training?




6. Do you think his treatment of Lian is discrimination?




Scene four - workplace behaviour

7. Is Tony's treatment of Lian just good fun or do you think it is harassment?




8. Does Tony threaten Lian in any way?




9. Does the supervisor act appropriately?




Scene five - equal opportunity

10. Does Len (the supervisor) discriminate against Lian in the tasks he sets her?




11. Does he deny her any opportunities to advance in the workplace? Is this discrimination?




12. Does Len respond appropriately to Lian's request?




Scene six - race issues

13. Why do Kenny's workmates pick on him?




14. Do his mates discriminate against Kenny as a person or as a member of a particular racial group?




15. Are comments about Aboriginal customs discriminatory?




16. Does Len treat Kenny appropriately?




17. What are the assumptions being made about Kenny because of the Aboriginal flag badge?




18. Can you see examples of stereotyping in this scene?




Scene seven - what can they do?

19. What are the main problems that Lian and Kenny face in the workplace?




20. Are the suggestions made by their friends helpful?




21. Do the rights applying in the workplace exist for casual staff as well as permanent staff?




22. Who is acting unlawfully in this workplace?