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Voices of Australia: Activity sheet 7 - rightsED

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Voices of Australia - Activity sheet 7

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Write a poem to demonstrate your own experience of Australia. An example is shown

Don Dale Boys Hip Hop

In and out, in and out always stuck in Don Dale

Always been in Darwin, never seen my land

Have to see the world and stop wasting my time

Always in here for doing the crime.

We have to get back to that great big school

We need to get ourselves some qualifications and edification

We have to get out and get ourselves a job and

Get on with our lives in the big wide world.

Wanna put my effort into my community

Cleaning up the place instead of sitting under trees

Me and my mates working for some monies

So we can travel our big land and go overseas.

Represent our country

Live and die in NT

Represent our homeland

From the tableland to the sea

We have been here from the start

This land is in our heart.

45,000 years

We been full of fears

Now it's time to hear our voice

We are the youth

And we are bullet proof.

It ain't about black and white

It's just about doin' right.

Submitted as part of a Voices of Australia writing workshop by students
(ages 12-17 years) at the Don Dale Education Unit, Darwin, NT.

Your poem: