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The Story of Our Rights and Freedoms

Rights and Freedoms
Test 1
  • V9 Australian Curriculum Year 7 Civics and Citizenship links

    Knowledge and Understanding

    • The role of the Australian Constitution in providing the basis for Australia’s federal system of government and democratic processes, including institutions, and the process for constitutional change through a referendum (AC9HC9K01)
    • The process for constitutional change through a referendum (AC9HC9K01)
    • The key features of Australia’s system of government, including democracy, the Australian Constitution, responsible government and federalism (AC9HC9K01)


    • Develop questions to investigate Australia’s political and legal systems, and contemporary civic issues (AC9HC7S01)
    • Analyse information, data and ideas about civic, political or legal issues to identify and explain differences in perspectives and potential challenges (AC9HC7S03)
    • Identify, gather and sort information and ideas from a range of sources (AC9HC7S02)
  • V9 Australian Curriculum Year 8 Civics and Citizenship links

    Knowledge and Understanding

    • Different experiences of, perspectives on and debates about Australia’s national identity and citizenship, including the perspectives of First Nations Australians as owners of their respective nations, and of different migrant groups (AC9HC8K06)
    • The role of political parties and independent representatives in Australian democracy, including elections and the formation of governments (AC9HC8K02)
    • How Australians are informed about and participate in democracy (AC9HC8K01)


    • Analyse information, data and ideas about political or legal issues to identify and explain differences in perspectives and potential challenges (AC9HC8S03)
  • V9 Australian Curriculum Year 9 Civics and Citizenship links

    Knowledge and Understanding

    • How and why individuals and groups, including community, religious and cultural groups, participate in and contribute to civic life in Australia and to global citizenship (AC9HC9K05)
    • The key features and jurisdictions of Australia’s court system, and the operations of courts and tribunals (AC9HC9K03)
    • The role of courts, judges, lawyers and juries in trials, and the rights of the accused and the rights of victims (AC9HC9K04)


    • Create descriptions, explanations and arguments using civics and citizenship knowledge, concepts and terms that incorporate evidence (AC9HC9S05)
    • Develop and modify questions to investigate Australia’s political and legal systems, and contemporary civic issues (AC9HC9S01
    • Locate, select and compare information, data and ideas from a range of sources (AC9HC9S02)
    • Analyse information, data and ideas about political or legal issues to identify and evaluate differences in perspectives and interpretations (AC9HC9S03)
  • V9 Australian Curriculum Year 10 History links

    Knowledge and Understanding

    • The origins and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including Australia’s involvement in the development of the declaration (AC9HH10K15)
    • The effects of global influences on Australia’s changing identity as a nation and its international relationships (AC9HH10K19
    • The causes of First Nations Australians’ campaigns for rights and freedoms before 1965, such as discriminatory legislation and policies, the 1938 Day of Mourning and the Stolen Generations (AC9HH10K09)
    • The significant events and methods in the movement for the civil rights of First Nations Australians and the extent to which they contributed to change (AC9HH10K11)
    • The contributions of significant individuals and groups in the campaign for the recognition of the rights of First Nations Australians and the extent to which they brought change to Australian society (AC9HH10K10)


    • Develop and modify a range of historical questions about the past to inform historical inquiry (AC9HH10S01)
    • Create descriptions, explanations and historical arguments, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms that incorporate and acknowledge evidence from sources (AC9HH10S08)
    • Explain the usefulness of primary and secondary sources, and the reliability of the information as evidence (AC9HH10S04)