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Annual Report 2002-2003: significant achievements

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission: Annual Report 2002 - 2003


Improved on-line human rights education modules.

An increase of over 1 167 000 page views on the
Commission’s website (4 372 899 during 2002-03).

An increase in the number of conciliated complaints.

Completion of Change and Continuity: Review
of the Federal Unlawful Discrimination Jurisdiction.

Consultations and publication of Development
and Indigenous Land: A Human Rights Approach.

National Indigenous Legal Advocacy Courses accredited.

Release of ‘Don’t judge what I can
do by what you think I can’t’
to celebrate the 10 year
anniversary of achievements under the Disability Discrimination Act.

An increase of 48 work plans submitted under the
Disability Discrimination Act from last year.

341 submissions to the National Inquiry into Children
in Immigration Detention.

Isma – Listen: National consultations on eliminating
prejudice against Arab and Muslim Australians.

Release of A Time to Value: Proposal for a National
Paid Maternity Scheme
and various consultations.