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Annual Report 1999-2000: Workplace relations

to 1999 - 2000 Annual Report Contents

Annual Report 1999 - 2000

Workplace relations and employment

Staff in the Commission
are employed under section 22 of the Public Service Act 1999. The new
Public Service Act was introduced in December 1999 and gives responsibility
for employment decisions to Agency Heads. With changes made to the Human
Rights and Equal Opportunity Act in December 1999 the President assumed
Agency Head status under the Public Service Act. Employment
policies have been reviewed to ensure that they conform with the new requirements
under the Public Service Act.

The Commission's
new Workplace Agreement was certified by the Industrial Relations Commission
in June 2000 and is in operation until 1 August 2002.

The Agreement is
comprehensive and was certified under section 170LK of the Workplace Relations
Act 1996. Productivity savings funded a salary increase to staff, to be
delivered in three installments over the life of the Agreement. A one
off bonus was also payable to staff on certification. Whilst maintaining
the core employment conditions, some conditions such as overtime have
been streamlined to be of more relevance to the Commission and its staff.
The Australian Public Service Values and Code of Conduct have also been
included in the Commission's Certified Agreement as a means to strengthen
their understanding and application for staff.

updated 1 December 2001.