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October ebulletin

Commission – General

Eye opening video on elder abuse

Collage of many peoples' eyes.

What does elder abuse look like? It may be physical, financial or psychological, but many Australians do not see the abuse that older people sometimes suffer. Last week, on International Day of Older Persons, Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson launched a campaign centred on a hard-hitting video that identifies the “red flags” of elder abuse to build greater awareness in the community.  
Watch the video »


Tell us who your 2020 Human Rights Heroes are!

Fireman hosing down a burning home

Every year the Commission holds the Human Rights Awards to celebrate human rights achievements. However, given the extraordinary circumstances of 2020 we believe a different approach is needed. This year, we’ll be showcasing the human rights heroes of 2020 in a new online campaign – and we invite you all to join us. If you know a person, group, organisation or community that has contributed to human rights in Australia in 2020, we want to hear from you! Fill out our quick submission form here and let us know who they are and what makes them a human rights hero.  Submissions close Saturday 31st October.  
Learn more here »


Kep Enderby Lecture: Racial equality during Coronavirus 

Man wearing a facemask

What has equality and inclusion looked like in the year of Coronavirus? From the racial targeting of Asian Australians to the hard lockdown imposed on residents in Melbourne’s public housing towers, the pandemic has raised questions about the place of diverse communities in Australian society. This year’s Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture features panellists from diverse communities. It will be held as a webinar on Friday October 30 at 12pm and is sponsored by the European Delegation in Australia. Tickets are free.   
Book your ticket now »


How has the pandemic affected children and young people?

Mother talking to daughter who has her head in her hands.

Children and young people who are struggling with changes brought about by the pandemic have discussed the impacts on their lives in thousands of counselling sessions with Kids Helpline. In a joint project with yourtown, which runs Kids Helpline, the Commission has analysed data from more than 2,500 counselling sessions. The lived experiences of these children and young people form the basis of a unique report detailing the pandemic's impacts.
Find out more »


Gymnastics in Australia Review now open for participation

Gymnast clutching gym bar

Public consultation has begun on the Commission’s independent review of the sport of gymnastics in Australia. Anyone who has been involved in gymnastics in Australia is invited to participate. Interviews and focus groups will be conducted over the next two months, and written submissions will be accepted until 10 January 2021. The Review will build an understanding of the sport’s culture, athlete experience and barriers to reporting misconduct and abuse.
Find out more »



More from the Commission...

Gender Equality vital in recovery plans

Kate Jenkins Sex Discrimination Commissioner

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins addressed the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 last month. She discussed the disproportionate impacts of the pandemic on women, and said Australia’s recovery from the pandemic will be quicker and more successful if we can unleash the full potential of our whole population – men and women.  
Read her opening remarks »


The next 10 years of Australia's disability policy

Ben Gauntlett Disability Discrimination Commissioner

2019 Human Rights Medallist Rosemary Kayess and Minister for Families and Social Services, Senator Anne Ruston were among the panellists to join Disability Discrimination Commissioner Ben Gauntlett for a webinar to discuss Australia’s next National Disability Strategy.
View the webinar »


Parliamentary Inquiry on Intelligence and Security

Ed Santow Human Rights Commissioner

Human Rights Commissioner Edward Santow gave evidence to two inquiries of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. The first inquiry examined a law that prohibits Australians from going to ‘declared areas’ overseas. The second inquiry concerns counter-terrorism powers available to the Australian Federal Police.
Read the Commission’s submissions »



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