From: Godfrey, Kathryn Sent: Monday, 7 December 2009 6:30 PM To: disabdis Hello I have just become aware of the Cinema Industry's application for exemption from the Disabilty Discrimination Act in relation to captioning of movies for the next 2 years. A measure of society is in how it treats those less able. To allow this exemption to go ahead would be travesty of justice and a disgrace for all of society. For the hearing impaired who have entered the world of disability it is just plain cruel to exempt them from modern life by restricting their access to captioning in any appropriate forum. A large part of the problem of hearing impairment is the isolation it can create - restricting access to the latest movies does not help their inclusion into society. It may seem a small thing to those of us who easilly access the voices of our family and friends but it is not a small issue to those whose world is silent. The deaf community also need to be recognised as people with rights. If every school student learnt Auslan from Year 5-8 at school to have a basic language understanding, our society would not have to recognise the Deaf Community as disabled but rather view them as a seperate culture with another language. The Deaf cannot access all areas of the hearing world mostly due to a lack of building and workforce planning and resources, so to deny them access to something that is easy to provide is totally inappropriate. Please add my name to any petition against this act of inhumanity. Thank you Kathryn Godfrey Manager Audiology Otoneurology Alfred Health incorporates The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and Sandringham Hospital